
Two-way writing challenge: Suit up and show up (for photographers and filmmakers too!)


I know where I was when I saw this dying of the light. Write for twenty minutes as though you sit looking out the passenger window into the side-view mirror (use the photo below if needed). I wonder if you are leaving somewhere or about to arrive. I wonder what the air smells like through the open window. Are there empty potato chips bags on the floor? Is love growing or fading away? Is the car or truck moving or parked. How do you feel as the light shifts and is gone?


Set a timer so you don’t have to think about the time. This technique is also valuable for photographers and filmmakers – you are no less story-tellers than writers are. Post what you have written in the comments section. Tell me if you’d like me to give you my thoughts on your writing.

Too many of us would rather talk or read about writing than write. As a mentor, I have a job to promote action, rather than talk. I’ll periodically put up challenges to you, prompting you, requiring action from you and giving you feedback. I look forward to your responses.

Photo: Drew Coffman

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