Hi, I'm Heather Hogrefe! 

Writer and talent in Orlando, FL, United States. I’m a fashion and travel influencer, content creator and free lance writer. I have been active and successful (over 400k followers) on Insta for 8 years. she.


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I have a life long passion of 2 things in life: fashion—and travel. They are genuinely my life. I have been lucky enough to grow steadily on social media over the last 8 years (including over 400k followers on Insta). This growth has enabled me to combine my love of writing with my passion for travel, and endeavor in global press trips (among other unique influencer travel opportunities). Not all influencers are writers, but I consider writing my next biggest passion. This enabled me to have a successful travel and style blog for many years. I’m rebranding my blog as we speak, and will be relaunching it in the next several months!


Member since Jun 2022

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