Hi, I'm Z! 

Writer, photographer and talent in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A perpetually wanderlust writer/artist (and an educator at heart) interested in intersectionality, mental health, and culture. they/them.


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Hi, I'm Z (they/them). I'm an everlearning enby who tends to follow the dopamine (thanks ADHD) and this has led me to joining/organising activities, groups, and events related to my interests... art, music, culture, cosplay, activism, and education, to name a few.

As cheesy as it probably sounds, my current life goal is to be someone my inner child would be proud of.

I hope what I share helps/motivates people to Just Do The Thing If It's Meaningful to You (Even If It's Cringe) and try to be the best version of themselves.


Member since Jan 2023

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