Hi, I'm Aubrey Jackson! 

Writer, photographer, talent and producer in Houston, TX, United States. Passion for digital storytelling and highlighting the amazing people and places that makes domestic and international destinations special. she/her.


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Hi I'm Aubrey! For years I worked as a TV news journalist covering everything from entertainment to breaking news stories and used all of the PTO time I had to explore the world and immerse myself in new cultures.

Fast forward to today, I am equipped with a team that allows me to continue to story tell online and highlight what makes a destination special! Using our skills in video, photography, and editing we're able to create amazing content that will encourage you to 'buy, book, and explore!'

My love of travel runs deep as I was raised by military parents who moved locations often and sparked my interest to explore the beautiful world that we live in!

Cheers, let's create and share!


Member since Nov 2021

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