Hi, I'm Briona Lamback! 

Matador Author

Writer, filmmaker and talent in Baltimore, MD, United States. I'm an award-winning travel journalist and entrepreneur with bylines in Condé Nast Traveler, Tripadvisor, BBC Travel, Atlas Obscura, and more. she/her.


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Briona Lamback is the Founder and CEO of Buoyant, a travel company that connects the African diaspora with cool people, places, and Black-owned businesses through group trips, events, and, soon, a private members' club. Buoyant began in Lamback's college dorm room in 2017 as part of a business pitch competition. Lamback is also an award-winning travel journalist—with stories in Condé Nast Traveler, Tripadvisor, and BBC Travel—on a mission to connect Black folks globally through travel, storytelling, and community.


Member since Apr 2021

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