Writer and photographer in Salt Lake, UT, United States. I'm a semi-retired veteran of the hospitality industry. An inveterate traveler, I also typically memorialize my adventures in "Travelogues." Recent trip to Greece write up? 2523.
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Sign UpAs a hospitality veteran of 30+ years, with extensive domestic and international travel to my credit, I revel in the variety, culturally, linguistically and otherwise, of our world's variety.
My roots in hospitality are humble - I began as a bellman. But having grown up from "the mail room," I have perspectives that are more pedestrian than those of others with more lofty pedigrees. Migrating from operations to sales and marketing in hotels, I came to embrace the complexities of travel for individuals, families and refugees along the way.
Commemorating the experiences of our travels is an auspicious source of capturing the many moments spent abroad, and of sharing, ideally in a way reader will find personally engaging, certain of the trips' particular.
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